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Vocational qualifications

A new wind in your sails - study for a vocational qualification accredited by the Finnish National Board of Education while working.

aikuisia opiskelijoita keskustelemassa

Vocational and professional qualifications in a practical way

In a vocational qualification, you demonstrate your knowledge and professional skills mainly in your own workplace through practical work experience. Assessment is carried out jointly by your workplace and a representative of MIF. The assessment will evaluate your skills against the requirements of the qualification.

At the beginning of your studies, we will work with you to assess your starting situation, compare your existing skills with the requirements of the qualification and jointly draw up a personal skills development plan (PDP). Your studies will focus only on the areas that need improvement.

Why participate?

  • You will gain a broader perspective on your own work and its development.
  • You will acquire a high level of professional competence on top of your previous knowledge.
  • You will develop as a developer within your organisation and work community.
  • Strengthen your professional skills under the guidance of industry professionals.
  • Improve your ability to move into new roles.
  • Receive a formal diploma.

What does your employer get?

  • Increased organisational performance.
  • Improved transfer of tacit knowledge.
  • It will be easier to adopt new working methods and practices.
  • Staff motivation and skills increase.

Check out the current qualifications below!

Upcoming vocational qualifications

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