360-arvioinnit – Vahvuuksien ja kehittymistarpeiden kehittämistyökalu
Systematic self-development brings immediate and visible results and rewards the whole work community. Our in-depth debriefing process reinforces the internal effectiveness of the evaluation and ensures the development of the feedback recipient.
MIF 360 assessment can be used
as a development tool for everyone and for organisations of all types and sizes
to support career development and e.g. career development discussions
as a complement to staff and climate surveys for a more in-depth analysis of people's level of competences
to support the job coaching process
for the assessment and development of intra-group cooperation, e.g. for management teams
Our 360 assessment is a scientifically validated, real-time, high-quality development tool that collects and analyses feedback to support personal development.
The 360 assessment can be used as a development tool in a wide range of situations, especially in change management, leadership, collaboration and expertise development.
MIF has two versions of the assessment: the Leadership Behaviour Assessment and the Collaborative Behaviour Assessment.
In a 360 assessment, the person is assessed by those working with him/her (line managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients or other potential collaborators - based on the feedback givers' own experience) and in addition the person assesses his/her own performance.
The evaluation process includes about 70 statements, for example: he/she is fair. Evaluators rate on a scale of 1 to 6 how well they feel the statement describes the person being evaluated. Respondents are also asked for open feedback.
The respondent will receive a comprehensive and clear feedback report on the results, including a SWOT analysis. The feedback report will be processed through a systematic and in-depth deconstruction process in which the results of the evaluation are examined from the perspectives of the individual, his/her team, the organisation and, where appropriate, the client.
We conduct and provide feedback on more than 1,000 feedback evaluations each year. our 360 evaluations have already been conducted for more than 55,000 participants.
360 reassessment
The 360 evaluation is itself a very strong measure of effectiveness, which can be further enhanced by a reassessment about a year after the first evaluation. A feedback session on the reassessment will review the changes that have taken place during the year and steer the participants and the group in the desired direction.
The 360 assessment takes leadership, people management and collaborative behaviour development to a new level. It
measures success
identifies real areas for improvement and points the way forward
enables personal and organisational development
helps to plan development measures
challenges the respondent to reflect on his/her role in the work community and on his/her personal development
involves respondents in feedback and development.
"360 oli paras osa valmennusta.""Olin positiivisesti yllättynyt kuinka syvälle tulosten perusteella päästiin. Rankkaa, mutta upeaa!""360-arvioinnin purkaminen oli silmiä avaavaa. Erityisesti pienryhmissä tehty palautteen perkaus vertaisten kanssa oli opettavaista varmasti itse kullekin.""Palautteen antaminen ja vastaanottaminen ovat tärkeitä asioita, joita myös pitää harjoitella.""Hyvä koulutus, josta sai palautetta omasta toiminnasta omassa työympäristössä. Jälkeenpäin lähinnä harmitti, etten antanut tarpeeksi kehitysehdotuksia ihmisille, joita arvioin. Olin siis hieman liian "kiltti" työtovereita kohtaan.""Mielestäni 360-arviointi oli todella hyvä ja kehittävä kokemus. Se antoi ainakin itselleni hyviä eväitä oman johtamiseni kehittämiseen."