Manne Pyykkö
Entrepreneur (software applications) and legalized work-psychologist in all EC countries.
Manne Pyykkö Graduate of University of Helsinki Manne Pyykkö is a legalized work-psychologist in all EC countries. He has worked for a quarter of a century in that field, specializing in B2B sales, entrepreneurship, psychometrics, coaching, training and various kinds of assessments. He has also written couple of books on these topics.
The psychology of nuance in B2B sales is his main professional area of interest. How individual characteristics convert to pros and cons in various sales settings: depending on conversation partners, nature of opportunity and many other factors. In other words, he believes, that when it comes to B2B sales, tiniest little differences can make or break a sale; that there are feathers that can – and will – break a camel´s back. That is why he takes into consideration individual differences and personal comfort zones – both in sellers AND in buyers – and tries to navigate in this maze of mirrors.
Over the past 4-5 years he has focused on Bizmind, sales psychology app. With Bizmind, one can be in personal, AI-aided sales coaching for 200 days a year – without missing any work. Bizmind is the new frontier of cognitive sales psychology.
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