The Everything DiSC Behaviour Profile helps to improve communication, reduce conflict and frustration, and develop managers and teams.
The Everything DiSC Workplace - Workplace Profile is ideal for developing the performance of workplaces, where each participant completes a self-assessment through an online link.
Understanding your communication style - DiSC-training
DiSC® is the world's leading interaction tool. It already has over forty million users and a research history going back 30 years. Everything DiSC® is the latest in a family of personal profiles based on strong scientific research.
The DiSC behavioural style assessments are ideally suited for assessing work communities. Each participant completes an online self-assessment. Everyone's results can also be run on a single screen, providing an overview of the whole group or different teams.
We deliver different versions of this training depending on the needs of the client and the situation of the participants.
Target Group
Everything DiSC Workplace - Workplace Profile - Ideal for assessing workplaces. Each participant completes a self-assessment online. Everyone's results can also be plotted on a single screen, giving an overview of the whole group or the different teams.
Everything DiSC® Workplace helps
to identify how you and others interact
adapt your own behaviour to the situation
identify your strengths and areas for development
build mutual understanding
create a common language to discuss differences, strengths and weaknesses
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders - Leadership Profile - A unique way of describing the way a leader or a manager leads. It also provides concrete suggestions on how and in what direction leadership should be developed.
The joys and pitfalls of diversity in interaction - An introduction to human diversity
My behaviour - how others see me
The DiSC® framework for perceiving behaviour
Characteristics of my own behaviour style
What is my typical behaviour, what I expect from others, how I can help others to succeed
Team/group strengths in cooperation, areas for improvement, rules of the game
My action plan - I put these into practice
The training is tailored to the client.
To highlight the key features of human diversity and their implications in different work and interaction situations.
To help improve communication, reduce conflict and frustration and increase awareness of difference - self and others
21.8.2025 | Helsinki | Skills for expertsProsessilouhinta on mahdollisuus niin kustannuskilpailukyvyn kehittämiseen, järjestelmäuudistuksien hallintaan kuin asiakaskokemuksen ja automaation kehittämiseen.
4.9.2025 | Helsinki | People and Processes | Leadership trainingTulevaisuus tuo mukanaan uusia haasteita, jotka muiden muutosten tapaan edellyttävät myös työturvallisuuden johtamiselta riittävää ennakointia ja joustavuutta.
26.8.2025 | Helsinki | People and Processes | Leadership trainingOta käyttöön LinkedInin kasvavat mahdollisuudet rekrytointikanavana ja työantajabrändäyksessä.