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Managing a virtual team – easy or super hard?

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- Managing a virtual team – easy or super hard?
It is really easy to work with people as long as we have met them. Meeting and greeting smooths out the communication with team members and increases commitment. What we should do when we are running a virtual team, and meeting with the team members takes place through online channels or chat tools? See few practical ideas from MIF trainer Cath Bartlett in the video interview, and find out what is most important when running a virtual team.
Differences between virtual team and multicultural team (video 0:51):
When running a virtual team meeting Cath advices us to use creativity. Plain reading-out-loud the power point slides is not the way to do it. See what other tips there are to make the virtual team meeting a successful one and commit people to it.
Short tips for running a virtual team (video 1:22):
It can be challenging to get the wanted commitment and results when running a virtual team, even with good practice and guidelines. Never the less it is evident that today organizations are facing the virtual meetings in increasing manner, and there are clear benefits in that as well. See how Cath summarizes the good sides of virtual team.
Benefits of the virtual team (video 0:52):
Trainer Cath has extensive understanding of multicultural working environments from both theoretical and practical perspective, having lived and worked in five different continents. She specializes in intercultural communication and leadership related skills, and has written books and articles on the topic. Some of the popular topics that Cath has been running in multi-national companies as tailor-made solutions are Supporting employees and managers across cultures, Negotiation skills, Consulting & coaching managers & employees and Dealing with challenging situations & conflicts.
Cath has strong business communication understanding and extensive experience in developing communication competencies in a global business context with many major companies. Cath is also well-acquainted with the challenges of virtual teams and learning in global organizations. She has worked with people at all levels in companies starting from top management and ending at shop floor operations. Cath has developed several hands-on learning-by-doing competence development approaches in order to achieve world-class business results through training – and the customer feedback is excellent. She comes from Britain and nowadays lives in Austria, and has trained in Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, France, Portugal, India, China, Japan, Indonesia, Brazil, Columbia, Turkey, Iran, Dubai, Lebanon, Sweden, Norway, Kenya and the UK within the last few years.