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Skills for experts

With ambition and an eye to the future - expert, make sure your balance of knowledge and skills are worth it!

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Why developing expertise is important

The way we work has increasingly become collaborative. Success in most jobs requires constant collaboration and input from a wide range of experts and stakeholders. Performance training, among other things, aims to meet this changing need.

The aim of performance training is to help experts and professionals communicate better and more effectively in situations where they are trying to influence the thinking of their target audience. For example, in situations where experts or managers need to educate on a topic or need to present a product, solution or content in forums of different sizes. In addition, presentation training helps in situations where you have to convince the other party within a very limited time frame.

Most of us are more focused on telling than listening, on content-oriented rather than audience-oriented communication. Good presentation training helps participants to condense their own thinking into clear core ideas and to look at the desired communication content from the listener’s point of view. At its best, presentation training stops participants thinking about their own communication in a holistic way. The change in mindset initiated in performance training will have an impact on success in the professional’s and manager’s own work.

The latest trends in performance training

The old adage that practice makes perfect is still very much in force when it comes to performance training. You only become a better performer by performing, and especially by getting feedback on your performance. Performance training is still a good and safe place to get both.

The essence of performance training is in the preparation of one’s performance, in the guided performance, in getting feedback and in performing again based on that feedback. However, the biggest challenge for performance training is the limited amount of time people have. Whereas in the past participants could concentrate on performance training for two to three days, now performance training has to be completed in a maximum of one day, often even half a day. Therefore, the structure of performance training has been changed to be more self-directed and better prepared.

A large part of the content of the performance training is available on Infor in digital format and as self-study materials. Similarly, the half-day performance training includes time in groups for one performance and group feedback. The second presentation, improved on the basis of the feedback, is now delivered as a personal virtual presentation with an Infor expert. Learning through performance training is therefore very flexible and easy, even for busy people!

Performance training can also be organised in a fully virtual format. This type of training is suitable for situations where participants have to perform virtually in any case. However, this approach does not change the body of the performance training, which is based on practice and feedback.


Asiantuntija kouluttajana

10.6.2025 | Helsinki | Skills for expertsMenestyvä asiantuntija osaa jakaa osaamisensa Asiantuntijatyön todellinen vaikuttavuus mitataan siinä, miten hyvin osaat siirtää osaamistasi eteenpäin. Haluatko, että koulutuksesi jäävät...

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Feedback on performance training

The most typical feedback we receive from performance training is genuine enthusiasm.

Performance training is one of the few training events where you can see your progress almost immediately, which inspires you to learn. Another important feedback from performance training is the expertise of Infor’s trainers. In their feedback, customers comment on how the trainer’s expertise has helped to focus attention on exactly the right areas of development that will bring rapid results.

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